Movies That Scare

Horror movies have become a part of our culture and even our parents as well. They span from slasher flicks to just plain thrillers that get your brain working and moving, ultimately causing after-movie paranoia. Everyone grows up seeing commercials or hearing about these high budget (or sometimes low) films that are designed to make anyone scared of the dark once more.
The Conjuring is a story about paranormal hunters from the seventies who made a trip to this house where a big family lived at. Their expectations for a simple demon cast out transformed into a full on unauthorized demon exorcism.
“It’s really scary and creepy because in the beginning they show you pictures of the real people they are based out of,” said freshman Tatum Gansert.
Another mind bending movie is Insidious, a story about a little boy who has been in a coma, but his soul was awake in the spirit world. His empty vacant body attracting other dead spirits and maybe even more sinister beings to come and inhabit his body.
“It has a lot off pop ups and it has a good plot to go along with it,” said sophomore Ashmeet Singh.
Texas Chainsaw highlights a young woman’s journey to Texas to collect her inheritance from her dead relatives little to know that a mass murderer is entangled with the mansion she inherited.
“It’s based on a true story and it makes me realize how corrupt Texas is,”said junior Deondrey Evans.
The late 20th century horror movie scene has a reputation for producing scary innuendos and special effects skills that take new, recent horror movies to the next level. Their plots and stories are what tantalized the past generation, despite the lack of appreciation that fails to accompany them today.
“Back then they were actually scary plots and characters not like the new slasher movies with lots of blood and gore,” said Coach Holmes.
New movies foretelling legends and haunted houses will forever be apart of life, because who doesn’t like a little scare once in a while.