Liz Cakes Bakery
Student Operates Online Pastry Shop
Mansfield High School senior Lizzie George knows her whole career plan from college to dream job, but she’s not waiting until college to begin, she’s starting now. Lizzie wants to be a culinary chef and she has already been accepted to the CIA; the Culinary Institute of America, that is, not the Central Intelligence Agency. Her dream is to be a pastry chef at Disney World.
“I love to bake. I just have a passion for it; I love putting a smile on people’s faces when I bake them something good,” George said.
George has combined her love for baking with a goal she wants to achieve: going to Disney World with the band. She has created an online bakery service. It has a very interesting approach, the customer doesn’t order through a website,instead they order through email.
“Mostly kids from the high school order from me, especially band kids,” George said.
George sends out a menu to her customers’ emails every month with the pastries she is making for that time period. If one sounds appealing, they email her their order and she will make it for them; however, she also does custom orders.
“Currently I’m working on a new menu for December and it’s going to be really big,” George said. “Oreo truffles are going to be on the menu.”
If you want to support Lizzie, eat an amazing mind-blowing dessert, AND get a smile on your face, order from her at [email protected].