Winning Streaks
Football Players Bleach Hair for Playoffs
The Mansfield Tiger football team has proudly made it to the playoff games by defeating Cedar Hill, and when playoff season is here, so are the blond mohawks. It is a tradition that our high school football team has been doing for a couple years now. But have you ever wondered about the story behind it? Senior football players Korey Caviness, Trenton Baggett, and Brian Williams have shed light on the mysterious school tradition that we all know so little about.
“This is a tradition that started a couple years back by class of 2013, and it kept going, and we are trying to keep it going for as long as possible,” Caviness said.”I know a couple of other high schools do it too.”
Another newly blond player, Trenton Baggett, knew more details about which schools did what.
“Legacy High School did red last year- so they kind of copied us- but we did blond because the goldish blond is part of our school colors,” Baggett said.
This interesting way of representing one’s football success isn’t available for everyone.
“Only varsity football players do it, and only when we reach playoffs,” Williams said.
The boys shared their opinion and their parents’ opinions about their new hair style.
“I wouldn’t keep it for the rest of the school year, only during playoff season,” Caviness said.”My parents thought it was pretty ridiculous, but I’m willing to do anything and everything for these guys.”
However, Baggett’s parents did not have such a strong opinion about the matter.
“My parents thought it was different,” Baggett said.
On the contrary to both of the boys’ parents, Williams mother has a more accepting attitude towards the new hair “do”.
“My mom likes and supports it, and I like it too,” Williams said.
Caviness is convinced that there is a good reason as to why they do it.
“I feel like it brings a bond together among the players,” Caviness said.