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Mansfield High School Online Newspaper

The Uproar

Mansfield High School Online Newspaper

The Uproar

Mansfield High School Online Newspaper

The Uproar

All content by Abby Werner
Pink Out the Pool

Pink Out the Pool

Abby Werner, Editor-in-Chief February 2, 2018

In October, the swim and dive team sold ‘Pink Out the Pool’ shirts as a fundraiser for Mansfield Cares. Last Friday, they finally got together and gave the $500 check to Mansfield Cares board member...

Swim and Dive Advance to Regionals

Swim and Dive Advance to Regionals

Abby Werner, Editor-in-Chief February 1, 2018

Friday and Saturday the swimming and diving team will travel to Lubbock to compete in the UIL regional meet in an attempt to get as many people to the state meet as possible. 40 swimmers and divers qualified...

A Wish Granted

A Wish Granted

Abby Werner, Editor-in-Chief January 11, 2018

Sophomore Andrew Creel loves history. He is often found doing research about people and topics his mother doesn’t even recognize. He has a steel trap of a memory, which his parents often use to their...

Why Senior Year Lasts are Complete Bologna

Why Senior Year Lasts are Complete Bologna

Abby Werner, Editor-in-Chief December 1, 2017

After three and a half years of high school that have both stretched on for all of eternity and gone by in a flash, I am quickly approaching the second semester of my senior year. I’ve already had my...

My Relationship with Social Media

My Relationship with Social Media

Abby Werner, News Editor May 4, 2017

The first form of social media I ever got was an Instagram. I was in the 7th grade, and I didn’t even have a smartphone yet. Every other day or so my dad would let me get on his Android and I would catch...

UIL District 2017

UIL District 2017

Abby Werner, News Editor March 27, 2017

Mansfield High School's UIL team dominated last week at District, winning first place overall school. Many people advanced to Regionals, which will be held at UTA on April 8th. The following is a list...

Weekend What's Up

Weekend What’s Up

Abby Werner, News Editor February 17, 2017

Feeling a bit bored this three-day weekend? Hit up these fun and cost friendly events occurring around DFW this weekend to get out of the house and have a great time! $5 WINTER DAYS AT THE DALLAS ARBORETUM To...

Need a Bike?

Need a Bike?

Abby Werner, News Editor January 26, 2017

If you’ve recently walked through the atrium at the front of the school, you may have noticed the bike rack with the ten brand new bikes. The bikes were donated by Coach Holmes and his local business,...

Best Disney Channel Halloween Specials

Best Disney Channel Halloween Specials

Abby Werner, News Editor October 22, 2016

Let’s face it- we’re all a bunch of teenagers who wish it was still socially acceptable to be watching Disney Channel. We lived through the golden age of Disney Channel, with shows like The Suite Life...

Photo Gallery: Homecoming Hallways

Photo Gallery: Homecoming Hallways

Abby Werner, News Editor October 4, 2016

We know you miss homecoming and the fabulously decorated homecoming hallways, so here are a few photos for you to reminisce.  

How to Stay on Top While Sick

How to Stay on Top While Sick

Abby Werner, News Editor September 16, 2016

It happens to the best of us. You wake up with a massive headache, you feel achy, and you know you are minutes away from throwing up. You are sick, and school is NOT an option. But you don’t want to...

The Semester I Was No Longer A Teenager

The Semester I Was No Longer A Teenager

Abby Werner, News Editor September 6, 2016

“Hey were you pregnant? You missed a lot of school, and I heard someone say you had an abortion.” The first time I heard one of the rumors about me, my face had never been more red. My mind immediately...

Column: New Year's Resolutions

Column: New Year’s Resolutions

Abby Werner, Staff Writer January 6, 2016

Lately I've heard a lot of people knocking New Year's resolutions, saying things such as there's no point because they're always broken and if you really wanted to make a change, you shouldn't have to...

Flashback Friday: Favorite Movies when Teachers were in High School

Flashback Friday: Favorite Movies when Teachers were in High School

Abby Werner, Staff Writer December 11, 2015

Teenagers want something they can relate to, that's both entertaining and just a bit more interesting than their real lives. Later in their life, they'll look back to what in pop culture, whether it was...

Opinion: Thanksgiving and Refugees

Opinion: Thanksgiving and Refugees

Abby Werner, Staff Writer November 24, 2015

We are now in the Thanksgiving season, a time we celebrate when colonists in 1621 at Plymouth Rock came together with Wampanoag Indians to share an autumn harvest feast that is known today as the first...

Opinion: Why Beating Cedar Hill is So Important

Opinion: Why Beating Cedar Hill is So Important

Abby Werner, Staff Writer November 4, 2015

If you're like me, you don't give a crap about football. Unfortunately, we live in Texas, so people like us are in the minority. However, despite all that, it's pretty dang cool that we beat Cedar Hill...

Students React to McDonald's All-Day Breakfast

Students React to McDonald’s All-Day Breakfast

Abby Werner, Staff Writer October 18, 2015

Oh, what a time to be alive. Recently McDonald's announced that they would be selling breakfast all day long and Mansfield is Mmm.... lovin' it. The Uproar went around and asked ten students in various...

A Cheapskates Guide to the State Fair

A Cheapskates Guide to the State Fair

Abby Werner, Staff Writer October 16, 2015

I'm just going to say it. My family is cheap, or as my mother likes to call it "frugal." We do not go anywhere without a coupon and you can bet we go on the day with the greatest bang for our buck, the...

Preview of Champions 2015

Preview of Champions 2015

Abby Werner, Staff Writer September 28, 2015

This past weekend a small miracle happened. It was the first year that it did not rain during Preview of Champions. For those who do not know what Preview of Champions is, it is the marching contest that...

Student Profile: Natalie Rocha

Student Profile: Natalie Rocha

Abby Werner, Staff Writer September 9, 2015

Junior year has a reputation for being a student’s hardest year, so most wouldn’t try to take on too much responsibility outside of their classwork. Natalie Rocha is an exception. Between it being...

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