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Mansfield High School Online Newspaper

The Uproar

Mansfield High School Online Newspaper

The Uproar

Mansfield High School Online Newspaper

The Uproar

All content by Grace Schuetze
Throwback Thursday: Teacher Edition: Mrs. Bridges

Throwback Thursday: Teacher Edition: Mrs. Bridges

Grace Schuetze, Managing Editor May 28, 2015

Sophomore English teacher Mrs. Bridges offers an insight on her high school years in the final Throwback Thursday of the 2014-2015 school year. What were you like in high school? Initially, my freshman...

Annual Talent Show Scheduled for April 16

Grace Schuetze, Managing Editor April 16, 2015

After several months of planning, the annual Talent Show is tonight from 6-8 p.m. The talent show will take place in the PAC and admission is $5 at the door. “I’m so excited for the show,” senior...

Student Profiles: Whitney Yates

Student Profiles: Whitney Yates

Grace Schuetze, Managing Editor March 3, 2015

In 6-A basketball, not many athletes are able to handle the large gap that comes from going from middle school basketball to varsity basketball, and yet freshman Whitney Yates has proven herself to be...

Junior Cameron Hancock plays Trivia Crack during a quiet moment in his yearbook class.

Students Participate in Trivia Crack Craze

Grace Schuetze, Managing Editor January 26, 2015

First there was Candy Crush, then games like Flappy Bird and Fun Run dominated the screens of iPads and smart phones during lunches or during a quiet moment in class. Now, students are indulging...

Photo via

Teacher Plans Summer Trip to Europe

Grace Schuetze, Managing Editor January 14, 2015

This summer students will have the opportunity to attend a 19 day trip to Italy, Austria, Switzerland and France through the organization People to People, an organization that is geared towards providing...

Photo courtesy of Medina Barakat.

Student Profiles: Medina Barakat

Grace Schuetze, Managing Editor January 7, 2015

Athleticism runs in freshman Medina Barakat's family. Her older brother played baseball, her older sister played softball and was involved with color guard, so naturally it was a simple decision for her...

Photo courtesy of Amanda Selkee.

Student Profiles: Amanda Selkee

Grace Schuetze, Managing Editor November 19, 2014

In August, junior Amanda Selkee had finished packing, said good-bye to her friends and family, and boarded a plane that would take her from her home in Finland all the way to the United States. "My...

Photo courtesy of Taylor Strength.

Student Profiles: Taylor Strength

Grace Schuetze, Managing Editor November 3, 2014

          Sophomore Taylor Strength could have stayed at home and participated in homecoming festivities or have had a normal sweet sixteen birthday party, but after hearing how life changing her...

 Opinion: Why I Won't Wear Pink

Opinion: Why I Won’t Wear Pink

Grace Schuetze, Managing Editor October 21, 2014

The month of October is marked by weather that is slightly below scorching, fall clothing, pumpkin spice everything, and Susan G. Komen’s conquest of the world by turning everything imaginable pink. Starting...

Senior Taylor Thompson poses with the paper copy of her first novel.

Fighting to the Top- Senior Writes Novel

Grace Schuetze, Managing Editor October 7, 2014

Senior Taylor Thompson is just like your average teenage girl; she acts in her free time for the school theatre, watches movies, stays up to date on her favorite celebrities (Leonardo DiCaprio and Chloe...

Throwback Thursday- Teacher Edition: Marilyn Byrum

Throwback Thursday- Teacher Edition: Marilyn Byrum

Grace Schuetze, Managing Editor September 25, 2014

In this week’s edition of Throwback Thursday, I interviewed one of MHS’s most notorious teachers: Mrs. Byrum. Surprisingly enough, someone who is known for her high expectations and challenging...

See You At The Pole

See You At The Pole

Grace Schuetze, Managing Editor September 24, 2014

Unless you have late arrival or just frequently have a difficult time waking up before the sky even begins to show its first streaks of light, you might have noticed a sizable crowd of people gathered...

Student Profiles: Valerie Lopez

Student Profiles: Valerie Lopez

Grace Schuetze, Managing Editor September 9, 2014

At the age of 17, it is safe to say that senior Valerie Lopez has already accumulated more mileage than the majority of her  peers and even more than some adults. Lopez has traveled to both Guatemala...

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