All content by Jill Anderson
Do you find yourself counting down the days until summer or graduation? Have you found yourself constantly staring at the clock in AP Statistics, just waiting until you can go home? If the answer is yes,...
Around this time of year seniors are starting to make their last summer plans. Some plan to work, go on trips, or even start college early. Most seniors though probably are not planning on leaving their...
Can’t throw a baseball or run 15 miles per hour, but still want to join a team sport? Have no fear, the bowling team is here! This year MHS has their very own bowling team. The sponsors are Mr. Nieman,...
“Six months left, that’s it I can do this,” is probably a phrase many seniors around this time have thought about multiple times. For senior Deondrey Evans, though, he has never had this phrase cross...
Halloween is just around the corner, and you still do not have a costume. I mean with all of your school activities, plus church and work for some of us, our Halloween costume is the last thing on our...
In our Texas culture, the tradition of mums is deeply rooted in our society. “Mums” started out as just a corsage featuring a chrysanthemum with maybe a few ribbons, but beginning in the 1970’s the...
High school is hard; sometimes it can even feel impossible. All high schoolers experience the stress that comes with managing time, but gradually things will become easier, and by the time you are a senior,...
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