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Mansfield High School Online Newspaper

The Uproar

Mansfield High School Online Newspaper

The Uproar

Mansfield High School Online Newspaper

The Uproar

All content by Jonathon Maloney
Spring Break 101

Spring Break 101

Jonathon Maloney, Staff Writer February 18, 2018

Spring break is quickly approaching and many students are trying to find the best way to spend their week, without spending a lot of money and still having a good time. Nobody enjoys having homework...

10 Ways to be a Better Human

10 Ways to be a Better Human

Jonathon Maloney, Staff Writer February 4, 2018

Whether you are seven or seventy, it is never too late to better yourself as a human. A few ways to do so is: 1. Don’t Make Excuses It is very easy to point fingers when things start to go south....

Opinion: Banning Electronics in the Classroom

Opinion: Banning Electronics in the Classroom

Jonathon Maloney, Staff Writer February 4, 2018

There is no doubt that we live in the age of technology. Everybody uses electronics whether it's the three year old that you really don't think should have a phone or those really old people that you would...

Fast Fall Festivites

Fast Fall Festivites

Jonathon Maloney, Staff Writer October 18, 2017

State Fair of Texas- Sept. 29-Oct.22  The State Fair is a fun celebration of Texas culture. Families and friends can gather to enjoy shows, thrills, petting zoos, games, crafts and fried food. ($20...

Hurricane Harvey: How Can You Help?

Hurricane Harvey: How Can You Help?

Jonathon Maloney, Staff Writer September 2, 2017

Hurricane Harvey is a Category 4 storm that has caused disastrous flooding in southern Texas. The hurricane made landfall on Friday, August 29, 2017 leaving many neighboring cities and small towns flooded...

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