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Mansfield High School Online Newspaper

The Uproar

  • || Six Weeks Ends February 13 ||
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Mansfield High School Online Newspaper

The Uproar

Mansfield High School Online Newspaper

The Uproar

All content by Sydney Mire
GSA at the School Board Meeting

GSA at the School Board Meeting

Sydney Mire, Staff Writer May 1, 2018

In the wake of the suspension of Charlotte Anderson Elementary art teacher Stacey Bailey, members of the Gay-Straight Alliance organization decided to take action by sitting in on the school board meeting...

Mansfield Speaks 2018

Mansfield Speaks 2018

Sydney Mire, Staff Writer February 15, 2018

Tonight at 7 p.m. at the Mansfield ISD PAC is the third annual TED-like event 'Mansfield Speaks.' This event will feature students speaking on a wide range of topics, all relating to the theme of "time." "My...

Scholarship Opportunities You May Not Know About

Scholarship Opportunities You May Not Know About

Sydney Mire, Staff Writer February 4, 2018

Since college tuition can be very expensive and difficult to pay for, any money that can be put towards college is extremely beneficial. While many scholarships had a December deadline, it isn't too late....

Top Music of 2017

Top Music of 2017

Sydney Mire, Staff Writer December 20, 2017

With 2017 coming to an end, it is now time to reflect on the year we've had. There have been good times and there have not-so-good times. The one decisively good thing that has come out of this year, however,...

Studying Tips

Studying Tips

Sydney Mire, Staff Writer November 29, 2017

For most students, studying is an essential part of doing well in school and can sometimes mean the difference between an A and a B. However, too many people don't know how to study efficiently. Here are...

Suicide Jokes Aren't Funny

Suicide Jokes Aren’t Funny

Sydney Mire, Staff Writer April 6, 2017

"I'm going to kill myself," "I want to die," and "literally kill me" are just a few of the over exaggerated phrases I hear among my peers throughout each day. I won't lie, I am guilty of this as well....

DIY Spa Day

DIY Spa Day

Sydney Mire, Staff Writer February 23, 2017

With the first six weeks of the semester at a close, most of us are probably too stressed to function. One way to ease the pain and take the edge off is to treat yo'self with a nice and calming spa day....

Zesty Presidential Facts

Zesty Presidential Facts

Sydney Mire, Staff Writer February 17, 2017

In honor of President's Day coming up this Monday, where is a complied list of some pretty interesting facts about past presidents that you may not know. Lincoln Logs Are Named After... Yep,...

Weekend What's Up

Weekend What’s Up

Sydney Mire, Staff Writer January 19, 2017

Feeling a bit bored this weekend? Hit up these fun and cost friendly events occurring around DFW this weekend to get out of the house and have a great time! Fort Worth Stock Show @ Will Rodgers Coliseum The...

Christmas 2016 Playlist

Christmas 2016 Playlist

Sydney Mire, Staff Writer December 15, 2016

Christmas isn't truly Christmas without some festive jams, so here is a list of some songs that are sure to warm you up this holiday season. "Baby, It's Cold Outside" by She & Him: This song,...

First Time Voters

First Time Voters

Sydney Mire, Staff Writer November 7, 2016

The 2016 presidential election has definitely been one for the books, with its many controversial quirks and oddities. Of course there are very strong political opinions expressed by the MHS student body,...

Halloween Movies: Least Likely to Make You Scream- Most Likely to Give You Nightmares

Halloween Movies: Least Likely to Make You Scream- Most Likely to Give You Nightmares

Sydney Mire, Staff Writer October 19, 2016

The Halloween season is a great time to to chill, hang with your friends, and watch some spooky movies. However, many people aren't really into getting spooked by watching scary movies, so here's a list...

Top 6 Hidden Netflix Gems

Top 6 Hidden Netflix Gems

Sydney Mire, Staff Writer October 5, 2016

Everyone who has a Netflix membership has most likely seen the typical selection of programs that are the basis of our modern pop culture references, such as "Stranger Things", "Grey's Anatomy", and almost...

College Football vs. High School Football: Aggie Edition

College Football vs. High School Football: Aggie Edition

Sydney Mire, Staff Writer September 14, 2016

There are many similarities between MHS football and A&M football, such as a fun student section and dedicated fans. However, there are distinct differences that make the two almost impossible to...

Tigers Dominate Blackout Game

Sydney Mire, Staff Writer August 31, 2016

At this years Black Out game, our Mansfield Tigers won with a whopping score of 28-10. Depending on who you ask, this was seen as a cool way to start the year to many. However, some people weren’t as...

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