Senior Says Goodbye
January 20, 2016
“Six months left, that’s it I can do this,” is probably a phrase many seniors around this time have thought about multiple times. For senior Deondrey Evans, though, he has never had this phrase cross his mind. Evans is graduating early, which means his last day of high school is January 15.
“I graduate on June third when everyone walks the stage, so I’m not ‘graduating’ early, but I am still leaving early,” Evans said.
By taking summer school classes, Evans was able to get most of his necessary credits out of the way.When students graduate early, they have the benefit of an open semester to work and start saving up money for college, or begin college a semester earlier than most seniors.
“I decided to graduate early to get ahead in my life,” Evans said. “I wanted to start a new life and experience everything that college had to offer. I’m going to TCC for spring semester then Fall of 2016 I’m transferring those credits to University of Arkansas. I’m majoring in Political science with pre-law, and maybe a minor in psychology.”
One of the biggest concerns for students considering the option to graduate early is probably missing out on important senior events like senior prom and walking the stage with your fellow classmates. While Evans will miss some events, all students who graduate early are still eligible to attend senior prom, and will graduate with their class. Evans knows what he wants, and by graduating early he is able to get a head start on his dreams.
“I don’t have any regrets at all,” Evans said. “I believe everything in life happened for a reason and every decision I made, made me the man I am today.”