Underclassmen Winter Dance

This February, freshmen and sophomores will have the opportunity to go to the winter dance. This school year is the first year Mansfield has had a school dance besides senior prom. I decided to interview some sophomores and ask them questions on how they feel about the dance.

“I’m scared a lot of people won’t go, but they should start going since it’s the first dance and they should experience it,” sophomore Emily Chase said.

What student council is mostly worried about is people not showing up, but a lot of effort is being put into this dance with decorations.

“The day of the dance we’re setting up for five hours… then leaving to go get ready, then coming back three hours before,” Chase said.

The decorations will include a lot of blue, lights, winter decorations in general.

“As much work as StuCo is putting into this dance, it will be good.” sophomore Jill Johnson said.

The whole dance itself took a while to make happen as well.

“We’ve been planning the actual dance for 3 months, but we’ve been talking about having one since last year,” Johnson said.

The dance has a DJ but is making a playlist for the dance, while allowing students to add to it.

“We’re going to make a Google Drive or Google folder to have other people put their input on songs they want to have at the dance,” sophomore Zach Aldrete said.

Whenever the playlist is put out, we will have it provided on the website. Make sure if you’re a freshman or a sophomore to go to the winter dance!