Prom Changes

Prom is one of the last events a senior spends with their senior class. The senior class has alleviated the costs of prom by making a few changes.

This year, prom is at the Perot Museum in Dallas. In the past, prom has been at the Omni Hotel in Fort Worth. However, the Omni charged a minimum catering fee of $40,000. Because the class officers chose to change the location, the cost of putting on prom is less expensive.

The prom committee hosted various events to fundraise money for prom. By doing this they are able to lower the cost of prom tickets from $85 to $50.

“We are doing a couple of bake sales to raise money for prom, as well as selling valograms and chocolate boxes,” senior prom committee member Medina Barakat said. “All sales go towards making our prom fun and affordable to all.”

Another difference between this year’s prom and previous years is that there is no formal meal. Instead of a three course meal like they had at the Omni, there will be appetizers and hors d’oeuvres on each level of the Perot Museum. By doing this, it saves money and encourages people to explore the whole museum.

“I think it’s a cool idea to have appetizers because now we can go out to have dinner before at a nice restaurant with our friends and choose what we want to eat,” senior prom committee member Emma Tran said. “We don’t have to stick with a specific menu that others have chosen for us.”

Another expense is the ride to prom. Whether people get a party bus, a limo, UberX, etc., the price can add up quickly. This year the prom committee is looking to provide charter busses to prom, to ensure that students get to and from prom safely.

This year’s prom will also have two different music settings. The main floor will have a traditional DJ playing popular pop music to dance to and another floor will have live slow dancing music for couples to enjoy. There may even be someone performing magic on one floor.

“I am excited for this year’s prom because the Perot offers more than a traditional prom,” senior prom chair Anna Kautz said. “This caters to a wider variety of students.”