Editorial: Should Rank Only be Determined by Core Classes?

Because students who enroll in co-curricular classes are penalized because Pre-AP and AP classes are weighted, the district passed a policy stating only core classes will determine class rank, but co-curricular classes will contribute to students’ GPA starting with this year’s freshman class.
This is a progressive change because it encourages students to get involved in co-curricular classes and makes determining GPA more fair for all students.
Before this policy was passed, participating in sports, choir, band, theater, etc. hurt a student’s GPA. This both discouraged students from taking those classes and harmed the students who enjoyed participating in those activities. This new change allows students to try out and potentially enjoy these classes without having to worry about how it will affect classwork. Some of these classes include activities that students are very passionate about and want to spend their lives doing, so having them available without any negative consequences is vital for a healthy learning environment.
This change also makes determining class rank overall more fair for all students. It balances out those who only want to focus on Pre-AP and AP classes to improve their class rank without harming the students that want to engage in co-curricular classes and earn a good GPA. The previous lack of options to improve the GPA and class rank of those participating in those classes made it incredibly unfair in comparison to those who focused on core classes.
While some people may argue the policy will cause students to care less for core classes, it overall benefits both sides and encourages students to branch out with their choices. This change allows for flexibility and variety in students’ schedules, and can let students focus on areas of their choice. Giving students more options with little to no drawbacks is this policy’s greatest strength.
Students should not feel afraid nor discouraged to take co-curricular classes. They have the freedom to enjoy those activities without having to worry about their GPA. There are a variety of different experiences students can have, so they should go out and enjoy these activities they are passionate about or want to try for the first time.